Ten anecdotes you might not know about Andrew Wiggins

Andrew Wiggins

Although he has not yet entered the ranks of All-Stars, as an NBA player, Andrew Wiggins surpasses many fringe All-Stars in terms of popularity and attention. His coveted physical talent, his sunny signature smile, and his on-court style of staying healthy but doing his homework are all factors that make Wiggins very popular.

Every NBA player always has an anecdote or interesting story that is not well-known to others, and Wiggins is no exception. In this article, the author will select and list ten anecdotes about Andrew Wiggins that may not be well-known to everyone, so that fans can have a more comprehensive understanding of this popular player of the Mesozoic Era.

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1. About Andrew Wiggins’ family

Andrew Wiggins was born into an out-and-out sports family. His father, Mitchell Wiggins, was an NBA shooting guard who was active in the 1980s and 1990s. He played for the Bulls, Rockets, and Philadelphia 76ers in his career. Averaged 10 points, 3.2 rebounds and 1.6 assists. In his peak season, he averaged 15.5 points, 4.3 rebounds and 1.6 assists, an elite starting level. His mother, Marita Penny, was a famous 400-meter athlete in the 1980s and still holds the Canadian women’s 400-meter national record. He has two Olympic silver medals personally.

It can be said that both parents’ outstanding physical fitness has created Andrew Wiggins’ top talent. However, inheritance of talent also requires luck, and becoming a top basketball player also requires perseverance and diligence. Andrew Wiggins’ older brother Nick and younger brother Mitchell Jr. are not as talented and accomplished as Andrew.

Andrew Wiggins
Andrew Wiggins

2. Andrew Wiggins is already the father of two daughters

Andrew Wiggins got married at the age of 19, and his wife is named McColl Thompson. She was a point guard for the school team in high school and college. She was selected for the U.S. U16 women’s basketball team and was selected as West Virginia’s Miss Basketball of the Year in 2013. , currently does not continue on the basketball path, but takes care of his family full time.

So far, Wiggins has given birth to two daughters, and it is reported that they want to have three more children. Andrew Wiggins is a family man with few negative scandals or gossip. He spent most of the long offseason at home in Canada. His daily life basically consisted of training with his brother, playing video games at home, and Wife and daughter stay together.

As an aside, I personally think that Wiggins’s slow progress is actually related to his relatively homely and relaxed offseason. But everyone has their own pursuits, and basketball is just a job. Every offseason, Andrew Wiggins would go home early. Most of the training during the break was independent training. The trainer who helped was his brother, and his brother’s basketball level was that of an ordinary overseas league substitute, so It’s hard to expect Wiggins to make a huge improvement when he comes back one summer.

3. How good is Andrew Wiggins’ talent?

Everyone knows that Andrew Wiggins has outstanding talent, but when it comes to specific numerical values, many fans may not understand how good he is.

From a static point of view, the height in shoes is 203CM, and the wingspan is 213CM. It does not look like a historical level, but considering that Andrew Wiggins has excellent body proportions and his shoulders are higher than the average striker, his standing reach can reach 273CM. For comparison, Griffin, who is also the No. 1 pick, has a figure of 267CM. Dynamic talent, Andrew Wiggins is simply perfect. His vertical jump reached a historical level of 112CM in the physical test, and his run-up jump did not increase too much, just over 120CM.

In addition, as a wing player, Andrew Wiggins’ initial burst of speed in the first step can reach an elite guard level of 20 miles, and his stride length is also exaggerated, and he can complete a two-step layup from the three-point line. . This is really thanks to the track and field talent given by his mother. Frankly speaking, Wiggins’ offensive style is a bit of a waste of this talent, but it is enough to use it on defense to easily make him a defensive champion.

Another point is that Andrew Wiggins has excellent balance and body coordination. He had previously tried to complete a 720-degree dunk with an aerial turn in practice, but unfortunately he failed to score. Of course, if you want to find fault, Wiggins didn’t turn enough for two turns. It was probably only a little more than one and a half turns, but to turn to this degree without much effort is already an exaggeration.

4. About Andrew Wiggins’ Basketball Idol

After being selected as the No. 1 pick on draft night, Wiggins said in an interview with the media that his number one idol as a child was Vince Carter because he was Canadian and watched the Toronto Raptors play since he was a child and admired Carter’s dunks. Skills. Since then, Iverson and Durant had the greatest influence on him. Their scoring was completely unstoppable. Kaaidou was his three basketball idols.

5. Andrew Wiggins jumped from Canada to the United States when he was in high school.

Back in 2013, Andrew Wiggins transferred from Vaughn Middle School in Ontario to Huntington High School in West Virginia, USA, and decided to skip a grade for a year to join the high school class of 2013 to compete. He was immediately featured by ESPN and SLAM Many media including Andrew Wiggins immediately ranked Andrew Wiggins at the top of the list of high school students in the United States, replacing Jabari Parker, the original top high school student in the 2013 class.

In the same year, Andrew Wiggins won the “Naismith Award” high school player of the year award. A year later in the NBA draft, Andrew Wiggins also surpassed Jabari Parker and became the No. 1 pick. In addition, while studying at West Virginia, Wiggins met his current wife, which can be said to be a win-win situation on the court and in love, while Jabari Parker was a bit miserable.

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6. Embiid and Wiggins are college comrades and have a good relationship.

In college, Embiid and Wiggins attended the University of Kansas together, and the two had a very good relationship. In the 2014 draft, the two participated in the draft together, Embiid was the third overall pick. Wiggins was the first overall pick. Because Wiggins has a good relationship with Embiid. When Embiid started a fight with his teammate Towns, Wiggins, who was stuck in the middle, would not publicly take sides.

This embarrassing thing also happened to Simmons. It is worth mentioning that although they are teammates with Embiid, Simmons and Towns actually have a better relationship than Embiid. The two often meet up to eat chicken and go out together. It’s just a three-pointer from a colleague. It’s no wonder that Embiid secretly criticized Simmons after being eliminated from this year’s playoffs for wasting a misplaced layup opportunity against Young.

7. Butler once commented that Wiggins only fulfilled 40% of his talent and his relationship with Wiggins was better than that of Towns.

Who is the most talented player? It’s Downs. Who is God’s favorite player? It’s Wiggins. Who is playing the hardest? it’s me!

Butler’s famous words about Towns and Wiggins and the story of bringing substitutes into the training hall have already been widely circulated in the basketball online community. Compared with the tense relationship with Towns, Butler and Wiggins are much better. They talked and laughed after they separated, and they were strangers to Towns.

The most noteworthy thing is that after switching to the Warriors, Wiggins publicly expressed his respect for Butler, saying that he affirmed his leadership style and that he has always blessed Jimmy. He is an excellent teammate and a hell in the eyes of his opponents. Behind that famous comment about Wiggins was actually Jimmy’s regret for him and his hatred for his teammates.

Because in a later interview with the “Star Tribune”, Jimmy once added that he was honest that he was trying to make every Timberwolves player play at 100%, and he did not hesitate to cause everyone’s mental stress, especially Wiggins, I feel like he only delivers 40% of his talent to this level. Think about it, if he can deliver 80% or even 100%, that would be great.

8. About Wiggins’ nickname

In North America, Wiggins is recognized or the most popular nickname is Maple Jordan, which is what we call [Maple Leaf Jordan]. In the Chinese community, Wiggins is called [Brother Wolfberry], [Health Mamba], [Scarf], etc. by fans.

The most famous nickname “Brother Wolfberry” comes from Wiggins’ healthy style of play. That doesn’t like confrontation and rarely gets injured, as well as the P picture that was widely circulate after being parodied by netizens. The original picture is the one above, and the imaginative netizens put wolfberry in Wiggins’ thermos cup, which triggered a wave of resonance with everyone’s impression of this person. The reputation of “Brother Wolfberry”, Since then, Wiggins has traveled everywhere. At that time, what Brother Wolfberry was looking at was actually the BioSteel brand sports drink.

9. Wiggins shares the same birthday as his late mentor Phillip Saunders

During his NBA coaching career, Flip Saunders successively coached three teams: the Timberwolves, Pistons, and Wizards. In the last year, he returned to the Timberwolves to coach. He stayed with the Timberwolves for more than eleven years in total. During this period, he coached many well-known NBA players such as Garnett, Marbury, Towns, and Wiggins.

Philip Sanders passed away on October 25, 2015 at the age of 60 due to Hodgkin lymphoma. As the first NBA coach in Wiggins’ life, Flip Saunders provided him with a lot of help. The coincidence is that both of them have birthdays on February 23rd. For Wiggins, this is fate or misfortune, and it is also a reminder of the promise. Because every year when he celebrates his own birthday, he also celebrates the birthday of his mentor Sanders. Back on February 23, 2016, Wiggins wrote on his personal social media: I used to not share the joy of my birthday with others, but today I want to wish you a happy birthday, coach! I hope I can make your heavenly spirit proud in the future.

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10. About Wiggins’ philanthropy

Character determines destiny. Wiggins’s relatively low-key, kind and uncontroversial personality is actually not conducive to him becoming a true king-level superstar in the NBA, because people who can achieve such achievements have a strong desire to win. Wiggins is a bit of a good boy because he wants to kill all his opponents alive on the court.

However, Wiggins can definitely be regard as a high-quality basketball idol. He has high talent but has always been conscientious and never arrogant. In addition, Wiggins is relatively keen on philanthropy. He established a charitable foundation early to care for children. Since the beginning of the 18/19 season, Wiggins has been implementing two charity projects.

First, he holds a completely free basketball training camp in Canada every year. He will personally coach on the court; second, for every point he scores in the NBA. Wiggins’ jersey number is 22.

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